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Episode 94:

Spyro The Dragon

00:00 / 01:04

I say it every time I play a game I like for the first time, but one of the coolest things about this podcast is discover new games that I missed when they originally released. Shining Force, Shinobi 3 and Banjo-Kazooie have been my favourites so far, and you can add Spyro the Dragon to that list. This game is awesome! If that's all you're here for, skip to 18:00.

3D platformers have always been very hit and miss for me, but the crew at Insomniac deserve a ton of credit for making a game that's fun, charming, and just the right level of difficulty. Growing up, I skipped this game because I thought Spyro was for babies. It might start out pretty easy, but the final few levels of this game really crank up the difficulty, particularly if you're collecting everything (which you should be). I enjoyed this game so much I 120% completed it, and I hardly ever 100% games.

Spyro won our March Patreon Poll, and as promised, here's an episode about it. My buddy and fellow comedian Darren joins me to talk about one of his favourite games of all-time; Spyro the freaking Dragon.

And before we get into the little purple dragon that could, there's other stuff to talk about! I weigh in Expansion Pass returning to it's normal schedule after a shaky April. I'm trying to spend a *little* less time playing video games during these crazy times. And The Last of Us 2 has a new release date (YAY), because someone leaked the entire story and it's being spoiled all over the internet (Boo....).

Thanks for listening, clean your controllers, and enjoy the episode!

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