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Episode 299:

Twisted Metal: Black

00:00 / 01:04

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We waited about 250 episodes too long to cover one of my favourite PS2 games of all-time. This week, we're talking Twisted Metal:Black, which is the best game in one of the coolest franchises in the history of gaming.

I fell in love with the Twisted Metal series on the original PlayStation, so when I saw a next-gen version of the series on PS2, I couldn't resist. And they didn't just live up to my expectations, they blew 'em out of the water. The graphics and combat were rock solid, and the morbid, dark, twisted backstories of each character (those cutscenes!) were insane. I hate that this series seems to be dead on the vine, but you can always (and should always) go back to Twisted Metal: Black for car combat perfection.

My guest this week was the guy that broke down the OG Twisted Metal games with me a few years ago, my pal Andre. And we both agreed that this game stands up as not only the best Twisted Metal, but one of the best games in the PlayStation 2's legendary library.

And before we twist metal, I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro!

This week, someone asks straight up, what means more to me: retro gaming or modern gaming? We're covering The Last of Us for episode 300 next week, what version should you play to get ready for it? And have I ever tried to repair a console myself?

Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 car combat games: Vigilante 8, WWE Crush Hour, and Carmageddon.

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