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Episode 298:

The Simpsons:
Bart vs The World

00:00 / 01:04

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I love The Simpsons. And I can look passed the flaws in their video games most of the time because of that love. But Bart vs The World is the suckiest bunch of video game suck that ever sucked.

It has the DNA of my beloved Bart vs The Space Mutants in it, with the crappy jump mechanics, awful hit boxes, and boring levels. But it adds a bunch of lame mini games that take up like 60% of your play-time, and leaves you wishing you were playing in the deepend of the sandbox with Ralph Wiggum instead.

My buddy David Rae makes his return to the show this week, and unlike most of his episodes that involve talking about great NES games, this one brought us both down as deep as Timmy O'Toole in that damned well.

And before we "vs the world", I deliver another edition of the Infamous Intro!

This week, someone hits me with a play one/remake one/erase one based on games featured on The Simpsons cartoon. What Pokemon would I want to have in real life? And what's a better name: Sega Genesis, or Sega Mega Drive?

Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 Simpsons NES games: Krusty's Fun House, Batman Meets Radioactive Man, and Bart vs The Space Mutants.

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