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Episode 295:

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Part II)

00:00 / 01:04

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It's one of our world-renowned 'revisited' episodes this week, and we're taking another look at the game I consider to be the best looking, and possibly best playing, in the entire Game Boy library; The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.

If you didn't grow up in this era, I could see how you might write Awakening off. The inventory system is a pain in the ass, it's easy to get lost, and compared to something like Link to the Past, it might seem a little basic. But for those of us that were obsessed with the SNES Zelda in the mid 90's, having a competent portable adaption like this to keep us busy on the road was mind blowing. To this day, Link's Awakening is a contender for my top 5 Zelda games.

I can't talk Zelda on this show without a McCue brother popping up, and Bradley gave me a call this week to talk about our adventures trying to wakeup a fish in a bird egg with weird self playing instruments so we don't have to dream anymore. Trust me, it'll make sense soon.

And before we Awaken, I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro!

This week, someone asks if someone will be hosting a show like this about modern games in 20 years? Would I ever consider waiving my PC bias and playing the original Fallout? And should I judge people's game rooms?

Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 old school Zelda's: The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventures of Link, and the Oracle games.

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