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Episode 294:

Spy vs Spy

00:00 / 01:04

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We all had those games we rented over & over when we were kids, and for me and my bro, Spy vs Spy was one of them. It's one of the best PvP experiences on the NES, and I'm ready to help some of you learn how to play it! (Seriously!)

It's split-screen multiplayer, where you play as the Spies of MAD Magazine fame. You run around a maze of rooms collecting items you need to win the game while planting boobytraps in an attempt to stop your opponent from doing the same. It could be pretty confusing without a manual, but I genuinely think the game has an awesome concept, and I'm ready to show it a l'il love on my l'il podcast.

I'm rolling solo this week, but I have so much nostalgia for this show that I had no problem wasting an hour of time talking into a microphone. Let me waste an hour of your time, too.

And before we blow shit up, I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro!

This week, someone asks who I'd love to have on the show if could. What ever happened to our 'Top Secret Episodes' from the early days of our Patreon?? And what are my Steam Deck recommendations??

Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 competitive NES games: Dr. Mario, Bomberman II, and Super Dodge Ball.

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