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Episode 286:

Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals

00:00 / 01:04

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"Join Sam from the cheese-loving state of Wisconsin, USA, and Brian hailing from the great white north of Ontario, Canada, as they bring their spirited conversations to the podcasting realm. These two, who grew up on opposite sides of the Sega/Nintendo divide, embark on a thrilling journey through the gaming landscape. Together, they challenge each other to revisit and play the gems they missed in the gaming golden days."

The SNES RPG library is the stuff of legend, so it's easy for the lesser known games to slip through the cracks. Lufia II is one of those titles, and I'm here to tell you it's a game worth exploring said crack for.

I'd never played, or heard of it, before this episode, but it's like a standard Final Fantasy RPG meets The Legend of Zelda. You fight battles in classic turn-based RPG combat, but outside of that you solve puzzles and blow up walls like you would in A Link to the Past. I don't love RPGs, but this one hooked me.

I have two guests this week. Long-time hot dog, Jnasty, sponsored this episode and got me playing Lufia II in the first place, so he swings by to explain why he's so hot for Sinistrals. And then our power hungry Discord mod, Captain N, gives me a shout to take a deep dive into feeding monsters shields whilee navigating the glitchiest dungeon to ever glitch (it'll all make sense after you listen).

And before we save the world, I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro!

This week, someone calls for an end to micro-transactions. Will I ever review Cyberpunk 2077? And is Mario 64 a horror game???

Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 more SNES hidden gem RPGs: Secret of Evermore, Terranigma, and Breath of Fire II.

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