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Episode 279:

Portal 2

00:00 / 01:04

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Last year, we snuck a review of Portal in right before New Year's Eve, and I liked it so much that I swore Portal 2 would get an episode in 2023. And this game might be even better than the original was!

If you've never played the Portal games, I'm begging ya - pause this show, go play em (they're on everything) and then come back and bask in the Portaly goodness. These are probably the two best puzzle games (not named Tetris) that I've ever played. The writing is hilarious, the puzzles are clever, and the mechanics are as silky smooth as smooth ass silk. These games are practically perfect.

Pending RTG Hall of Famer Mark McCue is my guest this week, and just we did at the end of last year, we had a great time talking about the brilliance that is Portal. Or...Portal 2. Whatever. These games rules.

And before we eat up with a potato, I use put together another edition of the Infamous Intro!

This week, someone asks if I have any gaming resolutions for next year? What era of TMNT is best? And why is our Subreddit causing so much confusion??

Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 of the best sequels ever made: Arkham City, Mass Effect 2, and Halo 2!

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