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Episode 263:


00:00 / 01:04

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This week, we're going about as old as it gets here at RTG Industries, and talking about an arcade game from 1985 that was ported to pretty well everything back in the day - Paperboy! Why was it ported to everything? Because it's awesome!

I don't care that it isn't the deepest game ever. Or the best controlling. Or even beatable, frankly. I love this game. Delivering papers to your customers and destroying pretty well your non-subscribers own at the same time. And all while riding your bike and avoiding cars, knife-wielding neighbours, tornados, dogs, and the Grim Reaper. Seriously.

My buddy David Rae makes his return to the show this week, and we had a great time talking about how much more fun it is to deliver papers in video games than it is in real life.

And before we go to work, I deliver another edition of the Infamous Intro!

This week, we talk about the prices of some old games today, and whether or not they're reasonable. Someone asks what the worst part of being a content creator is? And is Sega doing Sonic dirty by releasing his new game 72 hours before Mario and Spider-Man hit store shelves??

Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 arcade beauties: Dig Dug II, BurgerTime, and Q*Bert.

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Kick-ass logo by Joshua Zelasko

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T6V - 1G7

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