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Episode 215:

Mega Man X (Part II)

00:00 / 01:04

Every couple months, we dedicate an episode of the show to "revisiting" a game we covered back in the early days of the podcast, when we had even less of an idea of what we were doing than we do now. And this week, we're taking another look at one of my absolute favourite games of all-time, and for my money, the best Mega Man game ever created - Mega Man X.

I think this game is a stone's throw from being perfect. It looks great, plays well, and the soundtrack is one of the best in all of retro gaming. I suppose you could argue it's a littttttle easy (for a Mega Man game), and there's a particular jump that just chaps my ass, but other than that, I have a really hard criticizing X's debut title. It's just a damned good video game.

The one and only Bradley McCue gave me a call this week, and we went through what makes X so rad, and even got into a little strategy talk (which is a rare thing here on RTG, as I normally suck at the games we're talking about). I could talk about this game every week. I hope y'all enjoy it!

And before we talk X, I toss together another edition of the 'Remember The Game? Infamous Intro'!

This week, we talk about the modern games that'll be considered "classics" someday. What's the optimal number of party members for an RPG? And what do you do to combat gamer burnout?

Plus we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 Mega Man games: Mega Man X: Command Mission, Mega Man Legends, and Mega Man: Battle Network.

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