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Episode 204:

Snake Rattle N Roll

00:00 / 01:04

I don't know how to describe Snake Rattle N Roll. A cult classic? A hidden gem? I think people that grew up with it, love it. And if you didn't play it as a kid, you probably won't like it now. But for my money, it's one of the best, most creative games on the NES. And it's about damned time it got its own episode of RTG.

If you've never played it, you control a snake and you have to climb a mountain and eat pieces of yourself without getting stepped on or blown up, and the whole game is in an isometric view and features some of the toughest platforming on the NES. And if that didn't convince you? You also get to fight toilet seats. C'mon now.

My brother Josh and I used to play this all the time as kids, so this felt like the perfect episode for him to make his RTG debut. We talk about how stupidly difficult Snake Rattle N Roll was, why we loved it anyway, he tells me about the final boss (as I've never got there before), and yes, we tell a couple stories about fighting as kids.

And before we Rattle and Roll, I serve up another edition of the 'Remember The Game? Infamous Intro'!

This week, we talk about Mario sports games, and whether or not the magic is gone. What's the best time of day to do your gaming? And will Breath of Fire ever get some love around these parts?

PLUS, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring 3 Rare developed NES gems: Battletoads, RC Pro-Am, and NARC.

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