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Episode 189:


00:00 / 01:04

If you've never heard of Gun.Smoke, don't skip this episode. I was in the same boat as you until about a month ago. But now I know this game very, very well, and my life is better for it. It's an arcade port of a tough but fair, auto scrolling run and gun. And if it isn't perfect, it's damned close.

I can't get enough of these types of games. One of my favourite things about hosting this podcast is discovering retro titles that I missed back in the day, and this week is a shining example of that.

This episode was sponsored by Holms, a longtime member of our community, and I can't thank him enough for his generosity, and for introducing me to Billy Bob, ninjas, a bullet sponge of a horse, and the rest of the greatness that is, Gun.Smoke.

And before we talk about the wild west, I scrape together another edition of the 'Remember The Game? Infamous Intro'!

This week, I respond to the controversy surrounding last week's heated argument about who's on the cover of the Contra box. I also pick my favourite single player wrestling game campaign mode. And do I plan to keep re-visiting games we covered in the early days of the podcast moving forward?

PLUS, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring three NES arcade ports: Galaga, Donkey Kong, and Paperboy.

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