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Episode 178:

Final Fantasy X

00:00 / 01:04

Final Fantasy X is one of the games that listeners have been asking us to review ever since we launched the podcast. And seeing as it's the 20th anniversary of Tidus & friends here in North America this week, I figured it was time to talk Blitz Ball.

I didn't play a ton of PlayStation 2 back in it's prime, but Final Fantasy X was one of the few PS2 games that I dedicated some screen time to. I didn't get around to finishing the game until this year when I picked it up for my Switch, but I've always enjoyed my time with it. Great graphics, good story, fun combat, one of the best mini games in Final Fantasy history. I have some minor nitpicks, but by and large, this is a hell of a video game.

One of our Discord moderators, Keegs, makes his RTG debut this week, to talk about one of his favourite games of all-time. I don't know if I hold it in that high of regard, but FFX is one of the most iconic games in gaming history, I respect the hell out of (most of) it, and it's about damned time we showed it some love on this stupid show.

And before we laugh ( HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, ugh), I sneak in another edition of the 'Remember The Game Infamous Intro'!

This week, we talk about games that we can just lose ourselves in for hours at a time. Did you ever lend someone a game and never get it back? And is it harder to review a remake or remaster if you're nostalgic for the original version of a game?

PLUS, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring three PS2 RPG heavyweights - Dragon Quest VIII, Persona 4, and Final Fantasy XII.

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