Every time we talk about a Sega Genesis game, I bring up that I was a Nintendo kid in the 90's, and I love discovering great games that I missed out on. And this week, that all applies again. I fired up Gunstar Heroes after hearing for years that it's one of the best titles the Genesis has to offer, and damned if that isn't spot on. I'm a huge Contra fan, but this might be the best run and gun I've ever played (that isn't called Cuphead.)
Saturday morning cartoon graphics, customizable weapons, characters with different traits and perks, levels that are playable in any order you want, a banging soundtrack. This game has it all. I thought Streets of Rage 2 was a lock for my favourite Genesis game of all-time, but Gunstar Heroes has me reconsidering that number 1 spot.
My pal Chris returns to the show this week. He's a fitting guest considering he's one of the Sega kids that has been hounding me to play this game forever, and we had a great time talking about a great game. Gunstar Heroes is a retro gaming gem, and if you haven't already played it, I hope this podcast convinces you to right that wrong ASAP.
And before we become heroes, I sneak in another edition of the 'Remember The Game Infamous Intro'!
This week, we sing the praises of the PlayStation 4 game library. I talk about games that I'm scared to start playing, despite wanting to figure them up. And on the heels of last week's Ocarina of Time podcast, a listener asks me to try and convince them the game is worth playing, despite my mixed opinions on it.
PLUS, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring three of my favourite Genesis games - Shinobi 3, Earthworm Jim 2, and ToeJam and Earl.
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And if you're interested in supporting my 24 hour Extra Life charity stream on December 18 and 19, you can find more information at RememberTheGamePodcast.com!