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Episode 99:

NHL Stanley Cup

00:00 / 01:04

I'm a proud Canadian, a hockey fan, and it's episode number 99. So we had to talk something with Wayne Gretzky in it. Like NHL Stanley Cup...kinda...does. That's him on the cover! I think?

NHL Stanley Cup was NHL 94's vasty inferior competition. It doesn't have players names, full rosters, trades, the ability to edit lines, and really anything fun. All it had was a God-awful camera and goalies that couldn't look up. They tried to make a hockey game with the 'Mode 7' graphics thingy that made Super Mario Kart and F-Zero, and my buddy Brad and I had a great time explaining why it didn't work. At all. I owned this game as a kid and I used to really like it, but I'm not sure why...

If that's all you're here for, skip to 19:20. Or listen to the whole thing and hear me talk about:

- Sony was going to tell us about the Playstation 5 on June 4th, but they've (wisely) decided to delay it.

- Apparently we're getting some big SEGA news on June 4th instead. What could it be?? A Dreamcast mini? A SEGA network? SEGA is taking over Xbox????

- Minecraft has sold 200 million copies! Where does that stand up on the all-time sales charts, and does Minecraft belong on the list of the greatest games ever made?

And finally, this is your last week to get in on our Switch Lite draw! Deadline is June 8th. To enter, sign up for our Patreon ( or send your answer to our trivia question to

Good luck and enjoy the podcast!

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