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Episode 254:


00:00 / 01:04

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I've been beating the F-Zero drum for years, while showing the series about as much love as Nintendo does. It took TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY FOUR episodes to cover one of my favourite games of all-time. Simply inexcusable.

But we're trying to right that wrong this week by showing some love to a game that launched not only a franchise, but a console. Yeah, this was an SNES launch title, and I think it speaks to damned good it is that once the Super Nintendo was all said and done, this still stands out as one of the better games in one of the best libraries of all-time.

My guest this week is Juris Dr. Mario, long time supporter of the show and one of the generous mofos that donated $1,000 to the Stollery Children's Hospital last year as part of my 24 hour Extra-Life stream. His reward? Good karma and a chance to talk to me. It's a ying/yang thing. But we both loved F-Zero, so in the end, I think it all worked out.

And before we blow smoke up that soundtrack's ass, I race through another edition of the Infamous Intro!

This week, we talk about gamers that seem to hate gaming. On the heels of the Mario RPG announcement, what Nintendo game do I most want to see remade? And will Spider-Gwen ever get her own game?

Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 SNES racers: Uniracers, Micro Machines, and Rock N Roll Racing.

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